
✉️GetnotifiedviaemailwhenSSLcertificategetsquiteclosetoexpiration.Worksgreattocatchanyfailuresinrenewalsystem.,ThisisanalertforclosingtheSSL-VPNconnection,rightbeforetheFINpacket.Wheneithertheclientortheserverisreadytoendthe ...,Whoisitfor?Customerswithuniversalcertificateswhowanttoreceiveanotificationonvalidation,issuance,andrenewalofcertificates.,TheSSLcertificateAlerts,addedwithv8.9.1,showa...

SSL Certificate Expiration Alerts

✉️Get notified via email when SSL certificate gets quite close to expiration. Works great to catch any failures in renewal system.

Technical Tip: Meaning of SSL

This is an alert for closing the SSL-VPN connection, right before the FIN packet. When either the client or the server is ready to end the ...

Alerts for Universal SSL

Who is it for? Customers with universal certificates who want to receive a notification on validation, issuance, and renewal of certificates.

SSL Certificate Alerts

The SSL certificate Alerts, added with v8.9.1, show a warning notification on the Dashboard about the upcoming expiration date or show an error notification ...

SSL alert codes

During SSL handshakes you are receiving different SSL alert messages. Resolution: This table provides a description of the different SSL alert messages.

Schannel Error Codes for TLS and SSL Alerts

Schannel returns the following error messages when the corresponding alert is received from the Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets ...

SSL TLS Alert Protocol and the Alert Codes

The logging mechanism is a part of the SSL/TLS Alert Protocol. These alerts are used to notify peers of the normal and error conditions.

SSL Wireless SMS Notification

This is the official Woocommerce SMS Notification Plugin of SSL Wireless. SSL Wireless has helped launch Mobile VAS and SMS Banking for the first time in ...

SSL 警示訊息

SSL 警示訊息 ; 20 個. bad_record_mac. 如果收到具有不正確MAC 的記錄,則會傳回此警示。 此訊息一律指出無法復原的錯誤。 ; 21. decryption_failed. TLSCiphertext 以無效的 ...

SSL Alert messages

An inappropriate message was received. This alert is always indicates an unrecoverable error and should never be observed in communication between proper ...